
UK Telecoms Red flags, What to look out for

UK Telecoms Red flags, What to look out for

When it comes to signing a new telecoms contract for new number services, there are a few red flags that a business should be on the lookout for. 

When a businesses is looking for a new telecom supplier, cost is obviously a huge driving force behind the decision making. 

When it comes to choosing a supplier for basic utilities, many small and medium-sized businesses look first and foremost to the cost, which can mean missing the red flags.

But importantly how can you be sure the provider you choose is offering the quality and service support levels that you need? 

Here are some telecom red flags and some things to consider.

For many businesses, the cheapest outbound rates seem like the key priority and yet, the other factor to consider is of course the quality of the actual solution. 

It cannot be denied that finding the right quality of service for the right price is what is actually most important. Especially when not all telecom companies are offering like for like service solutions.

What might seem like a good business telecom deal now may end up costing you more down the line if that telco changes/increases the rates or offers poor service levels when you need support. 

This is very true of those that took early I.P solutions (which were offered at cheap rates) where often echo, distortion, or delay affected the actual call quality on every phone call.

Bearing all this in mind, longer-term contracts can often give more certainty and so should offer better rates, than shorter term deals.

Best practice would be to monitor the contract length yourself, rather than relying on the supplier, and make a note of when you monthly call volumes increase, and of course re-negotiate when contract term is ending. 

If you’re happy with the service you receive, great – no further action required, simply renew your termed agreement. However, if you’re not entirely happy at least this way you have enough notice to re-negotiate a better deal, or go elsewhere. 

With price being such a driving force businesses have outsourced support from overseas teams, leaving some customers simply unable to understand the support agent or feeling undervalued by a poor experience overall. 

08UK are a UK only team of experienced seasoned professionals, so no difficulties here with the English language, or quality of support. You are only as good as your weakest link.

Fixed Term – New 0800 Contract 

When it comes to shopping around for the best price for a 0800 contract, price is important – but it is not the most important issue. 

We believe resilience of service, operating capacity & business continuity of your 0800 free phone service is what is actually most important.   

If you buy the very cheapest 0800 number solution offered, you will be compromising the quality of the 08-call-solution itself somewhere. 

 Major Tier1 Carrier 0800 services are all you should consider. 

Here are the reasons why should only use Major Tier1 Carrier 0800 numbers:

• The Quality of the Call - No Echo Distortion or Delay
• Multi-Path Tier1 Network Ensures Continuity of service
• Instant Web Portal Control – As Standard
• You can apply advanced Inbound Control Features Instantly
• Portability/Transferability Short & Long Term

 Not all suppliers advertising business telecommunication lines/call solutions are offering a like for like comparison of quality of service. But no-one will tell you that of course.

This leaves customers often not getting the full educated overview of the telecom market and the various standards of products out there which may lead you to believe all telephony solutions are all the same. 

Secondly, some of the information is likely to be misleading. Supplier contracts are negotiated on a customer-by-customer basis, and prices can depend on a range of factors. 

These significant factors include things like the businesses size, location, sector, annual turnover, annual consumption and significantly their RISK score – so basically the clients credit rating. 

Price comparison web sites may show you appears to be offering the cheapest deal without all of the information necessary to allow you to make a truly informed decision.

Cold callers from suppliers and brokers are also red flags – validate any information they give you over the phone with your own research and with them following up the conversation with a detailed email confirming exact rates. 

Don’t make any spur of the moment decisions or feel pressured to switch to any supplier based only on a price argument.

Things you should consider when you agree to Tier1 telecom/number service:

• A fixed term contract - For 0800, 0844, 0845, 0333 where volume is established

• 30 day rolling term – For new 08 or 03 or 09 numbers so volumes can grow
• Outbound Lines/calls - Look for 3yr Contract for a lines/calls

If your business can do so, consider paying your bills by direct debit rather than making manual payments – it is often a wee bit cheaper to do so.

Finally, accept that there is no substitute to good old fashioned hard work / research. There are no short cuts, and some research will usually be aimed at finding ‘the best’ NOT ‘the cheapest’ options for your individual business telecom needs. 

Read lots of reviews & testimonials, ask lots of questions to a few different suppliers, see whom offers the best answers your questions and assess them on a case by case basis, and watch out for the red flags.

If you would like to talk to one of our team to get any point clarifying please do not hesitate to contact us. Call us now for free on 0800 408 0807

  • New business phone number
  • red flags
  • new telecom supplier
  • cold callers
  • Major Tier 1
Telecom Consultant

08UK Ltd - Quality Focused Provider of New Business Phone Numbers


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