
Video for Social Media: a half-day workshop for everyone interested in upping their profile - just using a smartphone!

Video for Social Media: a half-day workshop for…

Video for Social Media – a Primer from a Pro     
Book now for this popular half day workshop led by Ian Sandall.


Video sells. It can sell your company, you product or your service – and even you!

Worked right, video keeps people on your site or Facebook page for longer, sells more product, enhances your site’s ranking and definitely increases your personal profile. What would the web be without You Tube, Twitter, Instagram and Vine – let alone Facebook? They all use video, and there are loads of people out there using it – and using it well!

Now you can start leveraging the power of video for your business – without it costing a fortune.

These days there’s no need to spend hundreds or even thousands on making simple videos for your Social Media channels. With a bit of prep and planning it’s easy enough to do it yourself.

Yes really!

Time was, to make a video you needed a lot of expensive kit to make it happen. Cameras, big lights, and plenty of people. But now, most of the tools to make simple, persuasive videos to aid your social media presence are in everyone’s pocket. That’s right - your smartphone!

In this half day course I’ll not only show you how to get the best out of your smartphone, enabling you to shoot really great-looking pieces. I’ll also show you how to write, put together and (if you want) appear in them yourself!

Let’s get one thing straight – after this workshop you’re not going to win an Emmy for your videos. But the reward you’ll have is the knowledge and confidence to create short videos for the web that you can actually be proud of – and that will have cost you virtually nothing.

In this info-packed half day workshop I’ll share with you many of the trade secrets that separate the pros from the amateurs. Some that only presenters know and some that only people behind the camera know.

After a lifetime of working in the biz, I know most of them. Following these tips will instantly make you look more relaxed, confident and knowledgeable on camera as well as arming you with the tools to make your videos more relevant, more of the time … and targeted exactly at the right people.

I’ll tell you what subjects work and what don’t… what the ideal length for a video on each different social media outlet should be…. Even how to appear on Skype or by videoconferencing to impress (and the trick is not what you might have considered at all.)

We’ll cover scripting, presenting and talk about the filming - even touch on editing – and all you’ll need is your Android or Apple phone (or an iPad) – and some simple inexpensive accessories I’ll show you.

So whether you want to make your own videos for your company – featuring your products or services – or whether you want to make your own video blogs, this workshop is for you!

Lots of people think they don’t have enough technical knowledge to make videos. Not true!  If you can use a smartphone and a computer you’ll be good to go after this workshop! We’ll cover:

  • Structure: Why the first TV show you ever watched is important.
  • Scripts: How to write one in 5 minutes.
  • Shooting video on smartphones: The five most common mistakes and how to (easily) avoid them.
  • Lighting: How very simple lighting makes everyone look good.
  • Sound: How a cheap eBay purchase makes all the difference.
  • Camera techniques: The simple rule that’ll make every shot better.
  • … and loads more!

And by the way, just about anyone can appear on a video. It just takes a bit of confidence. But a lot of people have excuses:

  • ‘I’ve got a face for radio’ (But that hasn’t stopped loads of people.)
  • ‘I’ve got nothing to say’ (But everyone has something to say. It’s just a question of knowing what to say – and more importantly what NOT to say.)
  • ‘I’m no good on video’ (It’s actually not a question of being good or bad. With training, anyone can do it – with my guidance! Over the years I’ve coached many ‘reluctant’ performers to become presenters in their own companies’ videos. (I’m not promising to turn you into the next Graham Norton but I can make a difference!)

And whatever type of Apple or Android device you have, I’ll show you how to use a cheap app to get the best video out of it!

Over the last few years I’ve run this workshop for individuals and companies – and many people have gone on to use video successfully at work and for themselves.  I’ve had loads of great feedback too!

So book now - remember places are limited and they normally sell out fast!

About Ian Sandall

For the last twenty five years I’ve been producing, directing and writing video. Although based in Cheshire I work all over the UK and have filmed all over the world.

I’ve worked on everything from Network TV to music videos, drama to comedy …from multi-camera productions with massive crews to shooting stuff myself in a tropical jungle! I’ve worked with big stars and ordinary members of the public .... CEOs of Blue Chips, to workers on the factory floor and over the years I’ve gathered a few scary tales and more than a few insights into what makes good video (and what makes a good presenter!)

I continue to produce and direct video and TV ads. Recent clients have included big names like PZ Cussons, B&Q, Barclays Bank, Amec Foster Wheeler and many others. I also teach video techniques and theory to first year degree course students.

Now I’ve put that knowledge and insight together and designed a course specifically for everyone in smaller companies interested for making video. These are often companies who know they need to make video, but maybe haven’t got the in-house knowledge, budget or resources to do it successfully. Until now, that is!

So book now and get empowered to start harnessing the power of video for your social media channels!

Book here: j.mp/video4socmed

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