
Our mind is a Beautiful thing!

Our mind is a Beautiful thing!

Our mind is a beautiful thing but it can be our worst enemy even when we are trying and trying to do the right thing...⁠
It's human nature to try and figure out how to resolve a problem we have but when we are anxious and trying to plan for every worse case scenario we are actually practising being anxious, overthinking even more, practising and practising even more how to resolve the issue...⁠
The problem is that our mind can't determine between reality and our imagination so when you practise again and again how to react if that terrible thing happening to you your mind perceives it to be real.⁠
When you are an anxious driver and you get in the car your intelligent subconscious mind is saying 'don't do it', remember this could happen!... and what if that happens?... perhaps you start to feel panic or sweaty hands and before you know it you are hyperventilating at a junction you have been driving through your whole life...⁠
The Good news - You can ask if these thoughts are real... One exercise that helps to decipher the difference is to ask 3 simple questions⁠
⭐ Where is the evidence this thoughts is true?⁠
⭐ Where is the logic that this thought is true?⁠
⭐ How is it helpful to believe this thought about yourself or another?⁠
Let's use me as an example: What is I pass out and kill myself and everyone else on the road?⁠
✔️ There is no logic that this is true, I have never passed out in the car and I have always been able to pull over safely.⁠
✔️ There is no real logic that this catastrophic list of events would happen.⁠
✔️ It is of no use to me to believe this thought.⁠
and by asking these questions you can start to recognise the real thoughts from the imagined thoughts and make a change.⁠
and the reframe which comes with my realisation is:⁠
I am a confident driver, who has never had an accident and reacts well to anticipate others on the road and I love driving!⁠
If you'd like to know more or already know I can help, head into my DM's and let's talk or book a discovery call and we discuss your thoughts more.
  • #hypnosisforanxiety
  • #drivinganxiety
  • #meagaintherapy
  • #hypnosisforconfidence

"I feel like me again!" that was my answer, when asked how hypnotherapy had helped me.  My severe anxiety had gone and I was able to live my life without overthinking every thought or decision.

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