
How I said Goodbye to My Cravings

How I said Goodbye to My Cravings

I hadn't even realised how often I'd been craving until all my cravings were gone.
I was just getting on with enjoying life and wasn't thinking about food between meals any more.
Not only that, but I noticed I no longer needed to watch my portion sizes in order to easily maintain a sculpted figure.
The best part was, I helped many busy women like myself do the same.
My name is Sinead.
What started out as a simple test to help my clients slim down has led to many people being able to enjoy their food and their life...while at the same time becoming more lean, strong and happy.
Now, people (even me, to be honest) just can't believe it when they hear how I helped other women get more trim without restricting their food intake ... so, I put together a quick case study to demonstrate exactly how I did it.
FYI: it didn't involve calorie counting, prescribing hours of exercise, or ANY painful surgical procedures.
And when I discovered what had been missing from many coaching programs, it was like a bolt of lightning had struck me.
And I couldn't believe it at first either...
Click here to check it out: https://www.coachsinead.com/register
I’m no rocket scientist - just a coach.
But, I was just fed up with prescribing so-called “fool-proof” scientific theories that when put into practice, my clients had to fight to stick with.
I was fed up telling intelligent, professional women that they just need to reduce their portion sizes. If it was as simple as that, they wouldn’t be paying a coach!
They wanted real help, not just a list of things they were doing wrong.
So I put myself in their shoes, I did all the calorie counting, the measuring portion sizes and avoided foods on a specific list...
I realised I could only use willpower to resist cravings and hunger for so long but eventually I would give in because all I could think about was the food that was on that special list - the one I wasn't supposed to think about...
Now I knew how my clients felt.
They needed a solution that helped them nourish their body in a way so that they didn't need to use willpower and didn't feel like they were resisting.
I knew something major had to change.
But I was dedicated to helping the people who wanted their younger body back and were determined to discover a real, sustainable solution.
I figured I’d use myself as a guinea pig first.
And after a LOT of research, trial and error, I streamlined a process that had a lot of success.
Until one day I realised I hadn't even thought about any of those foods, the ones I wasn't supposed to think about.
I’d made subtle changes that helped my body to start a “self-clean” cycle...just like we would to take care of home appliances, except that our own body is WAY more important.
So I began coaching this new method to my clients.
At first I was nervous coaching them in this way because it meant they didn’t have to monitor their portion sizes, eat only restricted food, or do hours of exercise per week.
But, the results were spectacular! I saw slimmer silhouettes and happier, brighter faces turning up to each coaching session.
And it worked so well that now I’m getting approached by a lot of others who wanted similar results. Trouble is, I only have so many hours in a day to help them.
That’s why I decided to put together a FREE MASTERCLASS to share what I’d discovered and the results from this odd experiment.
For those who want to know how I discovered a method that many women now use to sculpt a lean, feminine figure without constantly throwing money at a personal trainer or watching calories forever, then check out this case study where I break down exactly how I did it => https://www.coachsinead.com/register


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