
Mindfulness for physical and mental relaxation

Mindfulness for physical and mental relaxation

In the corporate world Mindfulness is a practice that will help you manage anxiety, find your centre during a busy day and cope with stress. Follow this simple exercise.

Always find the right space and the 15 mins needed to give this gift to yourself. Keep your journal and pen next to you to take notes after your exercise is finished.


Breath Awareness Mindfulness Exercise


This exercise encourages physical and mental relaxation, which can greatly reduce the effects of stress on the body and mind.


Let’s start 


Sit with your back straight and your body as relaxed as possible. Love how Adriene Mischler (yoga with Adriene) says it and I have implemented it to my practice as well “Head over heart, heart over hips”, lift.  Make sure both feet are on the floor and feel grounded.

Set your intention, it could be getting relaxed, forgive, being grateful etc.

Close your eyes, and bring your attention to your breathing. Simply noticing. Do not try to change it. Simply breath normally. There is no right or wrong way of doing it just let it flow without any judgement.

Notice your breathing; inhale and exhale. Feel it in your body. Notice how the air feels moving through your nose as you inhale and how warmly comes out through your nose as you exhale.

Notice how the air feels moving through your mouth and throat. How it allows you to speak, to sing. Feel grateful for it. Do it one more time or stay in this moment as long as you like.

Inhale and notice how the air feels as it comes in, exhale and feel how it leaves your chest. Feel how your ribs move with every breath gently and softly. Do it again and notice how this subtle action fills your lungs with air. Take a deep breath… it feels amazing.

Notice how the belly expands with each in breath and deflates. Allow your attention to fully enter the body sensation of 

the belly moving with each breath.

Be aware of any thoughts coming to your mind, don’t resist it, don’t judge it, just let it sit somewhere in your head and go back to your breathing. Head over heart, heart over hips, rise and breath.

Now allow your attention to cover your entire body at once as you breath in and out. Closely notice all the sensations of the body as it breathes.

Repeat this sequence over and over, giving each step your full attention as you do it.  If you find yourself distracted by your mental chatter, use words as you breath e.g in-out, breath in-breath out, inhale-exhale, colours, numbers. Go back to breathing gently and with no judgement.

When you feel ready open your eyes and thank yourself for this small moment of awareness and for being present. Now write down how you feel, what came to your mind during the exercise and if you want to share it in the group, please do and we can chat about it.

Suggested time is at least 10 minutes but if you are starting with this practice do it for as long as you feel comfortable. Mindfulness and Meditation is a personal journey and there is no wrong way of doing it.


Thank you ___(your name)___ for this mindfulness practice.

May I continue to look deeply into my mind, my heart and body

May all beings everywhere be happy and free and may my actions and thoughts contribute in someway to the happiness of others. 

by Angela Quinones-Teran
Transformational Coach

  • Life coaching
  • Mindfulness
  • Mind Managment
  • Stress and Anxiety management
  • Wellbeing + Positive Cultures

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