
Is Anxiety A Mental Illness?

Jenny Thomas, bloggeroutreach.io Market Research Consultant

Is Anxiety A Mental Illness?

Our minds are the chamber of secrets. People, these days, are curious about the happenings and workings of the mind. But lately, the curiosity in respect to mental illness and mental health illnesses has been increasing. With more and more people being active patients of the same, many pertinent questions are making their way to the top.

This article here, elucidates about one such mental health illness-anxiety. Keep scrolling this article to find out more on the topic.

The Answer To Whether Anxiety Is a Mental Illness

To answer the question, whether anxiety is a mental illness or mental health illness. No, anxiety is not a mental illness. People with anxiety are not insane beings.

Instead, anxiety is a type of mental health disorder which makes it quite stressful for you to get through the day, creating tremendous pressure on the mind.

Here are a few significant things that you should know about the same. This will not only equip you with the ability to help yourself but also be helpful to others. 

What Is Anxiety?

As previously defined, anxiety is a kind of mental health disorder that makes it quite difficult for an individual to make it till the end of their day. Although, it is quite common in the current times. With the increasing amount of stress in people’s lives, anxiety is nothing, but an obvious product. 

The symptoms might include feeling nervous, encountering sudden panic & fear, profuse sweating along with an abnormally rapid heartbeat. There is no particular time as to when you start feeling anxious.

Do you know what makes it worse?

*It limits your productivity.

*It makes you lose control of your ability to respond to certain situations. 

*Overreacting is also a common result of anxiety.

Different Types Of Anxiety

There are different kinds of anxiety that reside under the umbrella term, rent-free. The following are:

1. Social Anxiety

It can occur, either amidst a social gathering or even in the middle of the road. More often than not, when an introverted person is encountered with too much attention, they tend to face severe discomfort. This discomfort triggers the anxiety.

2. Panic Anxiety Disorder

Having a panic anxiety disorder can be life-threatening. People with this disorder tend to get strong intense feelings, out of nowhere.This can be a product of facing a situation that you are scared of. Panic attacks can sometimes be equivalent to facing a heart attack.

Some common symptoms include, increased heartbeat rate, chest pain, a choking sensation, and profuse sweating. Read More: Content Rally, Online News Buzz, Real Wealth Business

3. Generalized Anxiety Disorder

People suffering from this anxiety disorder tend to face extreme & unrealistic elements of stress and tension. This can occur without anything or anyone to trigger you.

This form of anxiety disorder can include symptoms like having difficulty sleeping-insomnia,  restlessness, and lack of concentration. 

4. Separation Anxiety

This anxiety disorder is a  result of separation from a loved one. It is usually found among children. Separation from someone you love can often evoke feelings of that person not coming back to you. Know More: Mashum Mollah, Online Marketing Tools

5. Phobias

An intense fear revolving around certain objects and situations, are referred to as a phobia. Some of these fears might make absolute sense, but some seem quite futile, in comparison to the situation you’re in.

The only difference that it has with the other anxiety disorders is that; you spend a considerable part of time avoiding or trying to avoid situations that trigger anxiety. Whereas, having a specific phobia can make you avoid day-to-day situations.

What Are The Symptoms Of Anxiety?

The symptoms of anxiety can be physical, mental, and behavioral. Here’s a list of the common ones.

*Cold sweaty palms.

*Increased heartbeat rate

*Tension in the muscles

*Nausea, along with breathing problems

*Having flashbacks of traumatic events that disrupts your sleep cycle.

* Restlessness, etc.

What Causes Anxiety & How To Cure It?

Several factors are involved when it comes to causing anxiety. It can either be hereditary, environmental, or some chemical imbalance.

The probable treatments include, meditations and medications, along with some cognitive behavioral therapy, under a trained professional. Some of you might be having this question, ‘Is 15 Minutes 4 Me, a good self-help programme?’

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The above articles deal with rather generalized information about anxiety. Covering the different types, symptoms, what triggers it, how to cure it, and so on and so forth. But, are you aware of the good things that anxiety does?

Anxiety prepares you for the bad things coming your way. It is because of overthinking, which is, by the way, a product of anxiety, that you find a solution. In case you're of any other opinion, feel free to contact us in the comments section below.

Jenny Thomas bloggeroutreach.io Market Research Consultant

Jenny Thomas is a passionate blogger. She loves to share her thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world through blogging. Jenny Thomas is associated with Blog Management, Blogger Outreach,…

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