
Employee interest in joining a union sky rockets; that's where Croner comes in

Croner HR Consultant

Employee interest in joining a union sky rockets;…

TUC says its website has had 7 times as many enquiries since rail strikes


Rail workers were on strike last week…

Barristers went on strike earlier this week…

Postal workers are going on strike next week…

BT staff have just voted to go on strike …

Who’s next?


Since the rail strikes last week, the TUC has said the numbers of visits to the part of its website that helps workers find the best union for them has increased massively; 7 times as much as it was before.


Let’s be honest, unions make life a bit harder than it could be for employers:

  • Unions were giving care staff template letters to send to their employer about the mandatory Covid vaccine demanding to know why the employer was breaching their human rights when it wasn’t even the employer’s decision to make them get the vaccine, it was the Government. The employer was just following orders.
  • Having a trade union rep accompany an employee at a disciplinary hearing strikes fear into many an employer. This is a legal right for an employee and because of changes to guidance on this a few years ago, there’s really not a lot an employer can do about it. They will have to contend with the rep during the hearing. Reps know exactly what they legally can and can’t do at the hearing, but many will push it.


More employees in unions means more trouble for employers. You can’t stop it; in fact it’s unlawful to treat employees differently based on union membership. So employers have to find a way to work with it.

If an employer has Croner on their side in the above two scenarios, this is what they can do:


  • Send us the letter and we can advise on the exact legal position, point out the errors in the union letter and compile a response, taking the stress away from the employer and closing the fractious situation down
  • Get Face2Face in to the disciplinary hearing so the employer doesn’t have to go anywhere near it.
  • Disciplinary investigations
  • HR & Legal advice
  • Discipline & Grievance
  • employment advice
  • employmentlaw
Croner HR Consultant

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