
3 Signs you Could be ready for a Career or Role Change!

3 Signs you Could be ready for a Career or Role…

It gets to this time of year, and so many of us feel a bit "meh" about work.

Should you ignore it, aim to get to Christmas and hope that you'll feel re-energised in the new year?

Here's 3 signs you could be ready for real change in your career:

1) You lack motivation more than half of the time, and when you recognise this there is a resistance to bringing yourself round. If you're always wondering "what's the point" or worse "I just don't care", this is a definite red flag & a sign you should consider a change.
You spend FAR too much time at work to be unfulfilled every day.

2) You've not had a pay rise in some time, and the last time you brought it up your boss said "We'd love to but there's just nothing in the budget right now".
There's 2 things here: They either don't see your value, or they do but have taken a calculated guess that you'll stick around for a lower wage and not complain. How can you be sure they understand your value?

3)You feel as though you have the same conversation every day.
I've been there!
I'd get home to my husband and start whinging about my frustrations with work, but at the same time did NOTHING about it.
It wasn't long before even he lost patience and said, "What's the plan then? You can't keep expecting something to change overnight!"

Look, UK Job Vacancies are at a RECORD HIGH of over 1.1 million right now.

 Now couldn't be a better time to really assess if you are ready for a move and see what's out there - you could end up with a juicy pay increase!

 If it's not for you, ask yourself how can you begin to enjoy your current role again? Who is the best person to speak to?

What would give you your mojo back?

The number 1 reason people don't go for a new role is because they're scared of the unknown. And I get it. Interviews can feel scary, and we always have that nagging questions in the back of our minds "what if it doesn't work out"?

Deep down, you know the time is right.

Private 1:1 Coaching WILL help you with this process.

I can support you to:

  • Work out what path is the best suited for you, making sure you choose work that fulfils you
  • Smash your application process
  • Prepare for your interview confidently
  • Negotiate an amazing package that works FOR you
  • Build your confidence so that you are ready for that next role

I work 1:1 with ambitious ladies who know they have potential but just lack that confidence to put themselves forward.

Imagine starting January 2022 in a dream role where you feel valued, respected, and you are being paid in line with that! Setting goals for the year ahead would feel so passionate and energetic.
This is totally possible for you.

If any of this resonates with you, book in for a free chat to discuss how coaching could work for you. I am patient, friendly and energetic and I know how to get you to that next level!

Book in here - I would love to meet you :-)


  • Mentoring
  • Career Change
  • Career Advancement
  • confidence skills
  • Confidence and career coach

I help to empower ambitious women to co-create their progression path by improving confidence and communication skills in the workplace. I work both 1:1 with clients, and offer Group Coaching…

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