
“What technology is essential to be adopted by the HR to respond to the new workplace?

“What technology is essential to be adopted…

This is an attempt to put together IT solutions, which have been developed to holistically serve the HR strategy.

The main focus of an HR department is attracting, selecting, giving flexibility and ownership, as well as developing its staff.

1. Attracting the right employees: The solution should give the recruiter the ability to enhance candidates’ engagement and promote the employers branding, as well as create a pool of potential candidates, for future openings in the business. Consider crewing a Hiring Solution.

Our Suggestion: The candidate should be able to find the full job description, information about the company and the department’s operation role in the business, career paths and learning opportunities within the business. The candidate is also to be able to have access to a platform that allows the creation of a full candidate profile, express his/her learning preferences, and be given the ability to present evidence and skill set against the job specifications while going through an assessment process that is enjoyable and time-efficient, as well as one that contains information and requirements around the interview process. A communication hub would be beneficiary for them in order to get an update on the evaluation process if they wish to, but also feedback and information about the possible next stages.

2. Recruitment and selection: The solution should be an extension of the hiring solution above, with prior steps taken through the application process recorded, as the candidate will already have a profile in place with the company (Unlock Onboarding solution).

Our suggestion: The next phase should involve an automatic invitation for an interview and the next interview stages. It should also include an option for recording a video for initial screening purposes, minimizing the time needed for employee and recruiter to get through stage-one of the interview phase. The employee should be given the flexibility to attend an online interview in the initial stages, as well as the option to select a date and time conveniently. Through his/her profile, the candidate can access feedback or progress and access their assessment results. It is important to mention that the candidate should have the option to request the deletion of the data company holds under their name.

3. Flexibility and Ownership: The successful employee should already have an active account in the business onboarding solution, that allows them to unlock further features and he/ she will be accountable for the information they have provided to the business. The employee space for accessing all work-related information is the Talent Hub.

Our Suggestion: The solution should be integrated into the systems above. The employee has their ID, with which they can access the platform and provide or/ and change their personal information. A self-service talent hub should be created or the employee to provide flexibility, ownership and full-time line of his employment journey.

Automation and technology are here to make life at work an enjoyable journey- for employees and human resources.

Features to look for in an onboarding and talent hub solution:

The ability for the employee to upload documents about their right to work, change contact details and postal addresses, update their profile with new competencies and related certifications. Ability to book holidays and upload documents related to absence, or paid leave as per companies’ policies and procedures. Visibility of the company’s structure, direct managers and team, as well as the links of each department with the rest of the functions, are also key features. Let’s not forget about access to the company’s employment handbook, code of ethics, policies and procedures, as well as the ability to sign files electronically. Access to salary, benefits, pension scheme details and bonuses always supported with the relevant documentation. Access to job opportunities within the business and an internal application channel. The employee should also have visibility of mandatory training and completion status, annual performance appraisal notifications and results, as well as their employee file details (letters issued by the employer, consultations, disciplinary and grievances, promotion confirmation letter, change of status letters).

4. Employees’ Development: Retain your employees by investing on them, add value to your business by creating a competent workforce that can be the business’s next-generation leaders, and be an advocate to create an agile organization. This is The L&D hub.

Our Suggestion: This solution should link to and feed all the above platforms to complete the employees’ profile. This will allow the business to have the full employee life cycle in hand, and the opportunity to make evidence-based decisions for their talents’ future within the business. A Learning and Development platform should have all active employees profiles preloaded, along with any mandatory training they need to complete (as per job requirement). Each employee should have access with their EI number and be able to find training available provided by the company: Mandatory, Job supplementary training, Soft and Technical skills development, Personal development and further training modules related to company’s culture, objectives and vision.

The employee should have access to relevant certificates and guides of why and how the new competencies can add value to their job and professional development. The solution should be able to generate reports and be linked to the talent hub, so the employees’ managers and human resources have the full employee profile for both compliance and talent management purposes.


Let’s not forget the essentials:

Payroll system, Rota System (when applicable), Timesheet/ Clock system.

Our Suggestion: Those systems should also be integrated with the Onboarding and the Talent Hub. From the employee’s point of view, having the ability to book or view their shifts gives great flexibility and can be an advocate to ensure work-life balance. The employee has also access to the number of hours they have worked for and available gaps in the rota that they would potentially be interested in covering to gain additional income. This system also works well for companies that have employees under zero- hour contracts. On the employer’s side, an advantage deriving from these systems’ integration can be the avoidance of confusion that can come from absence/ holiday bookings duplication in multiple platforms. Those systems’ unification also allows the exact data to feed the payroll system directly, with no intermediate factors involved, and so to generate accurate income calculations. And most importantly it leads to avoiding bureaucracy and paperwork. It is important to mention that integrating the payroll system with your Talent Hub, automates pay slips generation as well as the annual tax report.

Our Favorite

The adoption of a Social Hub can also play a significant role in promoting employees’ experience.

Our Suggestion: An additional feature/ extension of your Talent Hub solution (our recommendation is this to be another platform where the employee has the option to add to his default Talent Hub account page) is an employee’s forum, where employees can find company events, important dates and celebrations.

The company can post initiatives, volunteer motions and programs that employees can participate in.

This solution can also create department/ function-specific communication channels with specific subjects that employees are interested in. Such platforms will foster honest and forthright discussions of root causes of challenges the business faces, and in the process, develop a shared view of the barriers. Featuring the latest technology, these platforms can give employees the ability to create virtual focus groups that can bring people from different locations together, to share best practices. Don’t forget that change in an organization comes naturally if individuals have platforms that allow them to identify shared interests and brainstorm solutions. Social technologies can be an advantage when it comes to making large-scale collaborations easy and effective while using a less rigid business model. It must now be well- known to all businesses that employees perform better when they have the freedom to be creative and feel that they are valued by the organization, leaders and peers.

Automation and technology are here to make life at work an enjoyable journey- for employees and human resources. There are numerous solutions available in the market, which allow all the above to happen and ensure that HR is a data-driven function, that values both the candidates’ and employees’ experiences.

  • HR Consultancy
  • Human Resource Management
  • HR Consultant
  • HR Technology
  • HR Strategic planning

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