
Summer Absences - The unseen epidemic by Sarah Birkenshaw

Summer Absences - The unseen epidemic by Sarah…

Summer is often heralded as a time of relaxation, holidays, and sunshine. However, for many businesses, the summer months can also be marked by an increase in employee absenteeism due to illness. While some of these sick days are unavoidable, understanding the underlying reasons can help organisations better support their staff and maintain productivity. Here are several key reasons employees might call in sick more frequently during the summer months.

  1. Seasonal Illnesses

Contrary to popular belief, colds and other viral infections aren't confined to the winter. Summer colds, allergic reactions, and even the flu can strike, leading to unexpected time off. High pollen counts and increased exposure to allergens, like grass and tree pollen, can cause severe allergic reactions, sinus infections, and other respiratory issues, driving employees to seek relief at home.

  1. Heat-Related Illnesses

As temperatures rise, so do the risks of heat-related illnesses. Heat exhaustion, heatstroke, and dehydration are common problems, especially for those who work outdoors or in environments without adequate cooling systems. Symptoms can range from mild dizziness and fatigue to severe, life-threatening conditions that necessitate immediate medical attention and recovery time.

  1. Travel-Related Health Issues

Summer is peak holiday season. Employees traveling abroad may encounter unfamiliar pathogens, gastrointestinal issues, and other health problems that can delay their return to work. Long flights and changes in time zones can also result in jet lag and fatigue, further extending their time off.

  1. Foodborne Illnesses

With the increase in outdoor activities like picnics, barbecues, and camping trips, there's a higher risk of foodborne illnesses. Improper food handling and storage in hot weather create ideal conditions for bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli to thrive, leading to food poisoning. The symptoms can be severe enough to keep employees away from work.

  1. Childcare Challenges

Summer break means children are out of school, and not all parents have the luxury of structured childcare. When plans fall through or children fall ill, employees may have to take time off to care for their kids. This can be particularly challenging for single parents or families with limited support networks.

Strategies to Mitigate Summer Absenteeism

Understanding these reasons can help employers implement strategies to better manage and support their workforce:

  • Flexible Work Arrangements: Allowing for remote work or flexible hours can help employees balance personal needs and work responsibilities.
  • Health and Wellness Programs: Offering wellness programs, air-conditioned workspaces, and hydration stations can help prevent heat-related illnesses.
  • Encouraging Preventive Care: Providing information on travel vaccines, safe food handling practices, and allergy management can reduce the risk of seasonal and travel-related illnesses.
  • Childcare Assistance: Providing information on local summer camps, childcare options, or even onsite childcare can relieve some of the stress for working parents.

By acknowledging and addressing the specific challenges that summer presents, employers can create a supportive environment that not only keeps their workforce healthy but also maintains productivity and morale. Showing a culture of understanding and flexibility during these months can pay long-term dividends for any organisation.



  • Absence management
  • HR Advice
  • Absence Management Advice
  • HR Advice & Guidance


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