
Overcome Nerves at Interview

Overcome Nerves at Interview

Breathe to overcome nerves. Most of us take for granted the fact that we breathe. It is only when we have difficulty breathing that we appreciate just how vital it is. Not only is it vital to life, but how we breathe influences how well we perform in everyday situations. Take for example people attending job interviews. There is likely to be more competition now the economic slowdown has started to bite. Few people realise that when we are under pressure, or nervous, our bodies produce chemicals which adversely affect our performance. It is difficult to control these chemicals; however correct breathing can quickly disperse their effect. Let's take a look at interview nerves. Symptoms such as cold hands, or clammy hands, feeling shaky, a trembling voice, or an inability to think clearly are all manifestations of our "fight or flight" response. Our body's have a life preservation mechanism which tens of thousands of years ago helped to keep us alive. Today the same response produces adrenalin which, once in the brain, gives us a signal to stop thinking and to act; to either run away, or fight. At the same time, our breathing becomes shallower and energy is directed to our vital organs. These physical changes prevent us from performing well during a job interview. The way to manage this is to practice deep breathing. Breathing deeply allows the body to take in more oxygen, which flushes away the adrenalin and "clears the mind". Nervous symptoms will quickly reduce and we can engage with the interviewer, rather than be paralysed by them. So, when you are faced with an interview, or other stressful situation, practice deep breathing. When you breathe deeply your abdomen will swell and stick out as you inhale, and retract when you exhale. While waiting for an interview you can breathe deeply, say in for 5 seconds then out for 5 seconds. As you enter the interview room, continue to breathe deeply. Practice at home regularly and you will feel more alive and awake.

I am a qualified life coach and have 7 years experience as a leadership development consultant where the focus was people's attitude and behaviour. My senior management experience leaves me well…

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