
One third of employees would leave if asked to return to the office!

Modus RP Limited Business Consultant

One third of employees would leave if asked to…

Probably not what some businesses want to hear as recruitment and cost challenges continue into 2023.

It can be tempting to believe that your teams will be more productive when onsite, however as people have had experience of improved work/life balance they’re reluctant to return to the ways of old. They have enjoyed time gained from not having to commute and for the most part have rewarded the trust and freedom placed in them, maintaining and in some cases improving their output.

There are always exceptions of course, some people cannot be trusted to be as effective when working offsite and this is where the challenge arises. Also people who work productively offsite can find their productivity drops in office as they deal with interruptions that wouldn’t happen if they were at home.

It’s the age-old conundrum of how you operate efficiently while keeping your teams engaged and motivated.

To quote Siobhan Morrin News Editor at LinkedIn, “ultimately, those employers that offer flexibility will have greater appeal to attract and retain the talent that will get them through 2023”., so it’s worth taking some time to consider your options. Before recalling everyone to the office I’d advise considering a few things first

·        Check your data before making any decisions that could have a damaging effect on engagement and retention. Analysis of KPIS will help you identify if there are issues with people working from home not being productive or if it is just a perception?
·        If there are issues with productivity, are these across the business or related only to a small number of employees? Don’t force everyone back to the office if you only have a few people underperforming. Bring those individuals back onsite until they have reached the required productivity standard. You can then reward them with a return to hybrid working.
·        Check your hybrid/flexible working options, are they still fit for the operation? A lot of businesses had to implement remote working quickly at the start of the pandemic and won’t have revisited the schedule since. A shift review can release efficiency, ensuring people are optimised to deal with customer demand, ultimately improving overall productivity
Modus RP can support your business with these consideration and we offer businesses a health check to help identify where the efficiency gains are and how to realise them.
Get in touch if you’d like a catch up or to learn more about how we can work together.

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  • Engagement
  • Resource planning,
  • scheduling
  • thegreatestresignation
  • hybrid working
Modus RP Limited Business Consultant

Modus RP typically help businesses save money through resource planning if:

  • your workforce has 30 or more heads
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