
Good UI/UX Design Leads to Successful Development - How?

Good UI/UX Design Leads to Successful Development…

A creative mind can do a lot of wonders! But can it benefit businesses? Well, designers with creative minds can definitely benefit businesses. 

Now, why am I saying this? 

Well, for instance, suppose that you want to craft a digital presence for your business. Now, this is not something that is a very unique idea in the market right now. Be it large enterprises or SMBs, having a digital presence is just too common these days. Then how can you stand out in the crowd? How can you become noticeable to your target market? Well, with impeccable and impressive designs, you can. 

It is noteworthy that with time, the role of designers is becoming more prominent in the web development industry. Even most organizations have realized that development has to be top-notch fine. But with that, an engaging and impressive design can put you ahead in the market! The “design” factor is strong enough to leave an impact on the failure or success of the services or products. 

According to the CPO of Adobe, when customers purchase products, they actually purchase it for the experience. So, the product design should deliver an engaging and satisfying experience to the users. The more the companies pay attention to crafting top-notch and engaging experience, the better for them. 

Now, Do Design and Development Complement Each Other?

Well, web design and web development are two completely different things but go in line with each other. If the design is about how your product will look and what experience it delivers to the users while using it, then the development part takes care of how the product would work. Thus, both have equal importance in making a product successful. 

Why UI UX Design Is Crucial Before Starting With The Actual Development?

There is a common practice that more or less most of the SMBs follow i.e. starting with the development process as soon as they get hold of the requirements. And I must say that it is not a good practice at all! Are you wondering why? 

Well, here is a list of some persuasive reasons that would indicate why you should always prefer taking care of the UI UX design before starting with the actual product development i.e. the coding phase. 

To Avoid Making An App That Delivers Disappointing UX Experience

The main objective of building an application is to make its users’ lives easier. Now, if you create one without considering what functionalities your target audience wants in it or what type of workflow your users are expecting from the application, you will end up building something that your target audience might not like at all!

When you pay attention to the application’s UI UX design before starting with coding, you can understand whether your target audience is going to be hooked into your application or not. The UX design you craft for the application can give you an idea of the functionalities your target audience is looking for in your app. Obviously, they are not going to tell you how your backend technology should work. However, getting an idea of the functionalities will help you to devise an application that your target audience will embrace wholeheartedly.

To Ensure That Your Stakeholders’ and Your App Vision Are The Same

See, when you are working hard for project development, it is kind of necessary to make sure that you and your stakeholders are on the same page regarding what is being developed. It should not be like a scenario where you give them apples and they say “What is this? We were looking for oranges”! 

To avoid such situations, it is always preferable to come up with the UI UX designs of the service or the product first. Most of the time, requirements keep changing (even if not entirely changed) after you present your stakeholders with the wireframe or the design. 

Now, once you complete the coding part and present it to them, what if the requirements change then? You have to work again on the coding right? This is why you should always take care of the first things first i.e. taking care of the UI UX designs and once the design gets confirmation or approval from the stakeholders, you can proceed with the actual coding phase. 

Thus, you can assure that you and your stakeholders- both are on the same page about how the application or the product interface should look and what should be its functionalities. 

Good Designs Help To Write Better Codes

Once you get hold of the requirements given by the clients and stakeholders, by making the wireframes and UI UX design, you chalk out an overview of the final product. The UI UX designs indicate how the final product is going to function, how would it look. 

Thus, there is no room for unclear assumptions and confusions for the developers. With the approved wireframes and designs, developers become clear from the very beginning of the coding phase on which part they have to work. 

Also, doing rework on the coding part takes a lot more effort and time. And the overall development time increases a lot as well because of that. Moreover, when coding is done without proper design or wireframing, making any changes increases the complexity too. 

Wrapping Up

Well, it is not like no idea works out on the very first try! Of course, it does. But in the case of service or product development, mostly through multiple iterations, the best and the most innovative result comes out. And undoubtedly, the UI UX design is an iterative process. Unless the satisfying result comes out and the final set of requirements are met, it keeps on changing. 

Thus, when developers take charge of the coding, they get the final design in their hands and start coding accordingly. It helps them to come up with the most optimized coding that results in impressive functioning of the application or the final product or service.

  • Web Design
  • Web Development
  • UX / UI Design

Jessica Bennet is a marketer and loves all things tech. She loves to write about startup and entrepreneurship struggles and different quirky ways to solve them. She believes in bringing a harmony in…

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