



Your app launch strategy is a great way to be productive 

Now is a great time to sit down and plan your future app launch, without some of the usual distractions and time saps in the office.

Use this time to get stuck into planning how an app can help your business improve processes, cuetomer retention, brand awareness and increase in revenue

Your app launch strategy is a great way to be productive and ensure your business is ready to leave the gates firing on all cylinders when things ramp back up again.

  1.    Do your research
    Whether you have a firm idea in your head of your app and what you want its features to include, now is the ideal opportunity to get serious about your competitor research. Broaden your investigations and look at popular apps in other industries.

  2.    Consolidate your USPs
    Armed with your research, use this time to really home in on your USPs. Look for points of difference; what can you offer or solve that existing competitors don’t?
    Why should a user download your app & not a rival?
    Create a list of gaps you fill so you have a list of USPs to reference in your marketing.
  1.    Craft your App Store listing
    With space relatively limited on the App Store or Google Play when it comes to selling your app, the small amount of screen real estate you do have becomes more valuable, use this to really polish and perfect your listing.
    Try creating a few different versions so you can test what works best.
    This is a vital part of making your app a success and one well worth your time.

  2.    Prepare a brief
    Preparing a brief for your app designer – sometimes this is precious time you can’t spare while running your business under the usual circumstances. If you find that you do have time while working remotely, this is a key document to get prepped.

    It means that you’ll be ready to hit the ground running when life gets back to normal.

Need help with this?

E: [email protected]

W: https://www.eazi-apps.com/mplahi

  • #MobileApps
  • #revenue
  • #appdesign
  • #brandawareness
  • #customerretention

Do you want to generate more sales, promote your brand, increase customer loyalty?


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