
Getting out there opens doors!

Getting out there opens doors!

People have repeatedly said to me over the last few years... you need to do more networking... you need to get out there.

I have never been into blowing my own trumpet, as a creative director of a number of northwest agencies, or since i bailed out of the agency (look at all our awards) nonsence 6 years ago. I have joined a number of networking groups... including this site, and I do agree that you need to get yourself out there. But you need to watch where you put yourself. Getting out there is great, but there is a lot to learn from spreading yourself to thin - keep it  focussed and stick at it - build a good network of professionals, skillsets and companies you can help - it will come back... I have just been contracted for a full corporate re-brand for a major construction company.

Always remember to keep it real

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