
Making Your Business Relevant

Jason Stone, LokoVita Business Consultant

Making Your Business Relevant

Introduction If you haven’t read Napoleon Hill’s book ‘Think and Grow Rich’ then now is the time to do so! If you have read it, then this is a good time to re-visit it. Hill wrote this book during the Great Depression in 1937. Having recently read the book again I was shocked to discover the parallels between the current recession and the one experienced by Hill. The main contention of Hill is that there is a cause and effect in everything. This was equally true of the Depression. He blames the economic turmoil on the fact that people, business, industries and the banks ‘reaped without sowing’. Ring any bells? The Recession Analysts and commentators have blamed our current economic circumstances on the huge amount of debt accumulated by organisations and individuals as the common cause. The purpose of this article however, is not to explore the reasons for the present turmoil. Instead, I would rather present some of the solutions that Hill proposes in his book. Since 2007 many companies have not been able to survive the ravages of the downturn. Napoleon Hill suggests that a strategy for survival is to seek new or additional sources of income, ‘acquiring specialised knowledge’, additional training, changing occupations or by developing the services offered by a business to suit new and current needs. I detect a hint of Darwinism in this proposition! Darwin’s theory of evolution can be summed up as adapt or die. If an organism cannot change adequately or quickly enough to a change in environmental conditions then it will become extinct. Similarly, if companies and organisations do not respond to the change in the economic landscape quickly enough, or in ways which are best suited to survival, then the obvious consequence is that they will become irrelevant. Problems vs. Solutions Now is the time when we must all reflect on the services we offer and decide whether they meet the demands of these challenging times. This is not easy to do as it requires much honesty, courage and a willingness to admit that change is inevitable. Change is never easy as the fear of the unknown is often enough to send us back to our old comfort zone where we feel safe and secure. However, fear is the enemy of action and procrastination the foe of decision making. To conquer both, just as on any battlefield, a vision, strategy and definite goal must be employed to provide a spring board for change. This is precisely the juncture where many businesses, organisations and individuals lack the objectivity to implement a plan that will facilitate the transformation necessary to become the ‘fittest’ and ‘survive’. This begs the question – who or what can provide the impartial, functional and additional support required to enable business to develop and embrace the crucial elements of organisational change? Solution Based Change To answer this question I don’t have to search very far for the answer. From my own perspective I have had to seek the clarity of being able to ‘see the wood for the trees’ by looking creatively at my own business and developing innovative services (Pocket Life Coaching and Express Coaching) to meet the challenges of an expanding industry coupled with a contracting market (the latter due to the financial pressures experienced by a considerable proportion of the population). If you are searching for the answer that will help your business evolve and adapt to the current demands of increasing competition in an ever shrinking pool of clients and opportunity: and to prepare for the post-recession vacuum that will follow, LokoVita has the solution! At LokoVita we will lead you through a period of challenging and honest business introspection that will enable you to objectively analyse your present situation. Having identified areas of particular strength and opportunities for initiative and innovation we can construct an action plan to set in motion and propel you to the achievement of the goals you have set yourself. Leading or running a business/organisation is often a very lonely and demanding place to be. However, it doesn’t have to be that way! With your coaching consultant you can explore on a one-one basis the way to take your business/organisation forward with the necessary strategies to facilitate effective change. In addition, depending on the size of the company, you may wish to identify a suitable team of individuals who you recognise as ‘instruments of change’ - credible, open, adventurous, have-a-go-type people who are willing to embrace new ideas and opportunities to develop themselves, others and most importantly for you, the business or organisation. Conclusion Contact me today and let's begin to develop a strategy to drive forward your business in which you have invested so much time, money and hard work - the business you are proud to call your own. At LokoVita we know this is possible because we have done it!
Jason Stone LokoVita Business Consultant

Jason Stone BSc, PGCE, DipTH, DipLC is a professional and caring Life Coach. He is driven by a passionate desire to enable people to take control of their own lives both professionally and…

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