
What Would Your Business Do With an Extra Day Each Week?

Map Your Process Business Consultant

What Would Your Business Do With an Extra Day…

A very interesting read around businesses moving to a four day week by finding better ways of working: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-61570021

A shortened week might not be on everyone's roadmap, so let's look at this a different way. The same principles and approach can still be applied, but rather than using the savings to move to four days, you would effectively create an extra day in your week.

Typically, it is the "non-value adding" activities that are removed when this type of operational improvement takes place.

Non-value adding activities are those steps in a process that although they might be essential, don't actually add any real value to the product or service delivered to your customers. Examples include rework, checking for errors, rekeying of information, etc. They also tend to be repetitive and not the most exciting tasks for people to perform, so not only are there opportunities from a time-saving perspective, but also from team morale boosting one as well.

By eliminating these activities, not only is more time available but it is also focused on activities that truly add value to your business.

What would you or your team do with an extra day each week?

If you'd like to understand more about how we can help you uncover the opportunities in your business, please drop us a line.
  • Time and Cost Savings
  • Process Analysis and Mapping
  • Operational Efficiency
  • Operational Improvement
  • Employee Satisfaction
Map Your Process Business Consultant

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