
What is Sustainability?

What is Sustainability?

When we speak to customers about sustainability, we often find the concept can be somewhat misunderstood.

As Alan Atkinson famously said, “Sustainability is not about saving the planet….”

So, what is it about?

The United Nations defines sustainable development as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

While this is a comprehensive definition, it can feel a bit abstract. This highlights that sustainability is a multifaceted concept that's hard to capture in a single phrase.

Atkinson's Compass

After his well-known comment, Atkinson developed a simple yet powerful tool to help everyone—from five-year-olds to CEOs—grasp the idea of sustainability.

The Compass model he created shows that for any action to be sustainable, it must positively balance three interconnected elements: Nature, the Economy, and Society.

When these three elements are in harmony, sustainability contributes to overall human well-being. This tool clearly demonstrates that Nature, the Economy, and Society are interdependent systems that we must nurture to thrive.

In essence, sustainability isn’t about saving the planet alone; it’s about securing our well-being by managing our economy and society in a way that protects the ecosystems we all rely on.
  • Wellbeing
  • Education
  • Climate Change
  • Environment
  • Sustainability Management

I am an experienced sustainability professional and educator with expertise in developing and implementing sustainability strategies that align with both corporate objectives and industry standards.…

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