
Real innovation at scale for substantial business impact

Real innovation at scale for substantial business…

Sustainable Design Thinkers  are the UK based innovation studio that support companies both across the UK and globally with sustainable real innovation of their products, services or strategy at scale for real growth and substantial business impact.

We support teams in companies with innovation processes in order for them to scale up innovation across teams and departments within their company. 

We deliver remotely innovation problem framing sprints to identify the right problem in a new or existing product, service or strategy to identify the biggest opportunity for innovation.

We also deliver remotely innovation design sprints to de-risk solutions for new or existing products and services before launch to market saving time, money and testing with real users for real innovation.

 Our approach and services

Over the last 12 months, companies and public sector organisations more than ever have a need to either adapt, change or create new products, services and strategy. The key to success is to identify the right problem in a product, service or strategy, not the one you think you have. Most companies do not have a process to identify the right problem in their product, service or strategy, which becomes the biggest opportunity for innovation.

The Remote Innovation Problem Framing Sprint

Our 1 day remote innovation problem framing sprint is a clearly defined innovation process which has a 4-week groundwork run in which includes research and digital workspace onboarding of the sprint team selected, followed by the one day problem framing sprint itself, resulting in a replay report and moving forward meeting. The problem framing sprint team is made of up to 7 people who are key stakeholders or decision makers in the company.

In addition, once a company has identified the right problem and opportunity for innovation, many companies do not have a clearly defined innovation process to de-risk solutions to the right problem.


The Remote Innovation Design Sprint 

Our 5 day remote innovation design sprint is a clearly defined innovation process which has a 4-week groundwork run in  which includes digital workspace onboarding of the sprint team selected,  followed by the 5 day problem framing sprint itself, resulting in a replay report and moving forward meeting.

 This allows companies to innovate in relation to their products, services or strategy before launch, de-risking their solution, reducing the time to market and saving time and money. The design sprint team is made of up to 7 people, comprising 1 key decision maker from the problem framing sprint and up to 6 people with a diverse set of skills from across the company.

Design Maturity and Sustainability Sprints

In order to further support companies to become a design mature company, we also provide a 1 day creative culture and design systems sprint, a 1 day sustainability & circular economy sprint and a 1 day service design sprint. This enables companies to have design maturity in relation to their whole business, products, services and strategy.  

Our services are delivered both remotely or in-person, our remote delivery has the same powerful outcomes as our in-person delivery using zoom and digital workspace platforms.

Partners who benefit from our services

Our innovation services can be used by any company in any sector as our clearly defined innovation sprints apply to any sector, this could range from a large hotel chain looking to innovate in terms of their customer service experience, a financial services company looking to innovate in relation to their  banking app,  to an SME looking to innovate in relation to their technology products.    

We as innovation facilitators with a  clearly defined and structured innovation process both for problem framing, de-risking solutions and for design maturity, help to support teams within companies across any sector to create and  produce  real sustainable innovation at scale for substantial business impact.

Our innovation services are just as applicable to local and national Government Departments and other organisations, this could range from potential pilot public projects related to planning, infrastructure, finance, regeneration or other areas.  

Book your free 30 minute consultation - It would be great to discuss and explore these opportunities with you over a zoom or MS teams call if possible.

 Best wishes

Andy Whitty

Founder - Sustainable Design Thinkers

[email protected]


  • Innovation
  • Growth
  • Business
  • Sustainability Strategy
  • Innovations And Transforming

We support teams and companies with sustainable real innovation & growth at scale for substantial business impact

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