
How Can Dust Filter Monitoring Benefit Your Business?

CEM Solutions Energy & Resources

How Can Dust Filter Monitoring Benefit Your…

When working in an industrial setting, dust can be a big problem. It can have a huge impact on the health and wellbeing of your employees and so it is important to be aware of how much of it is in the air and take steps to avoid this becoming a problem.

Dust filters are therefore a necessary tool in mitigating the accumulation of dust, but this means it is also important to make use of a dust filter monitor to make you aware of leaks and failures.

So, how does dust filter monitoring work and what benefits can it bring to your business?

What is a dust filter monitor?

As you might imagine, a dust filter collects dust to help keep the surrounding air clean and healthy. Constant or long-term exposure to dust can have some very serious consequences for the health of your employees, as breathing it in can lead to a number of respiratory diseases, including lung cancer and silicosis.

It is therefore vital that you monitor the levels of dust particles in any given space and then take measures to address any problems that this highlights.

A dust filter monitor can be installed with bag filter, cartridge filters or centrifugal separators to quickly detect any failures such as broken bags or filters which are damaged or leaking. This can help to minimise any losses or downtime by enabling you to react more quickly in order to improve the environmental conditions.

Benefits of dust filter monitoring

By monitoring the amount of dust in the air, it is much easier for a business to provide safer working conditions for their employees. As real-time monitoring is used, you are able to react quickly to changing conditions, and therefore minimise any impact that dust leaks can have.

The monitoring devices can also show employees what the dust levels are in any given space, giving them the opportunity to wear the appropriate PPE for the situation. It can also be a useful tool for any risk assessments, as it can help you to understand the particles that are present at your site and put together targeted strategies to deal with this.

By protecting your workers from the health issues that dust can create, you can also minimise the amount of time that they need to be sick. By having a fully functioning workforce in place, you can therefore ensure that the business is more efficient and ultimately more successful.

When it comes to monitoring dust levels in the air, it is important to know exactly what you are dealing with. Dust filter monitors are able to show what individual particles and gaseous pollutants are present, so that you are aware exactly what issues and sources you need to target.

As a responsible business owner, you should want to take the wellbeing of your staff seriously, but you are also required to by law. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) sets out the permissible Workplace Exposure Limits (WELs) for certain types of dust.

It is therefore essential that you are able to monitor these levels in your workplace in order to remain compliant with regulations and ensure that you avoid extremely damaging penalties.

Monitoring dust filters is essential for your business and the people who work within it. This process means that you can ensure that your dust filters are always performing correctly and enable you to take quick and direct action if any fail.

This simple step can be an important tool in ensuring your business is compliant with the law and safe for the employees that put their health in your hands.

  • Business
  • Dust Filtration
  • Dust Monitoring
CEM Solutions Energy & Resources

Mike Lloyd is the Managing Director at CEM Solutions, who offer products and services to cover all aspects of monitoring emissions to air and process control.

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