
Why Companies Get Stuck Growing to £2 - £5m Revenue

Why Companies Get Stuck Growing to £2 -…

Hey, I'm Sean. CEO of Square One Digital. Did you know there are more companies currently operating within the £100k - £500k revenue bracket than almost all othe companies in all other revenue brackets combined: https://www.statista.com/statistics/320219/uk-enterprises-number-of-enterprises-by-turnover/

Over the last decade I've engaged, audited, worked with and mentored hundreds of businesses and guess what, they all get stuck at the same point.

Growth rates nose dive as soon as companies try to grow beyond word of mouth and referrals.

Why? Because it's a vastly more complex journey than most people are ever aware of; many never unlock the ability to generate new clients without referrals and some companies sink themselves in the process.

The problem is this: Business get used to warm leads, it's all they've ever known and they don't appreciate the subtle nuances between warm and cold leads that result in massive differenced in outcome.

Converting warm leads is literally like taking sweets from a baby; you can turn up in your pyjamas, forget get their name wrong, accidentally offend them, mess up your presentation, pretty much anything can go wrong - and you'll still convert them into a paying client.

Because they're already sold on you.

Cold leads - no. Not gonna' happen.

Learning how to build sales pipelines around cold leads is like going from playgroup straight to university; you cannot hope to identify, let alone understand or overcome the challenges you're going to face.

This is why we need robust marketing and sales systems, this is why the half arsed Ideal Customer Profile with really vague notes doesn't cut it.

It's why your DIY/budget website - especially if it's been built using no-code software like Wix, Webflow or SquareSpace - fails to meet expectations and usually ends up getting replaced.

This is why you need to learn about hooks, CTAs, tracking pixels, how to capture the right data and convert it into actionable KPIs and OKRs.

And the million other things I don't have time to touch on in this article.

What I've done, over the past two years, is build what I'm calling the B2B Guaranteed Growth Framework. It includes all the things you need to be doing as a business to be able to successfully navigate the waters of lead generation, lead nurture, sales conversion and revenue optimisation.

The end result? A consistent flow of highly qualified leads who are delighted to give you their time to explore all the different ways you can help them.

Not only that, but they're easy to convert - not because you'll find thousands of easy-to-convert cold leads (they represent about 0.0001% of all businesses) - but because you'll have the systems in place to warm up difficult cold leads.

Who is this for?

It's for companies with either the hindsight or foresight needed to realise that:

1) You cannot DIY this process, it's too complex

2) Spending years and millions of £ to build your own team is crazy

3) Growth beyond word of mouth and referrals is a journey

4) You cannot 2x, 3x or 5x revenue in a paltry 3-6 months

So, if you're ready to invest into growth, you want a B2B growth cheat sheet to help you identify, understand and prepare for all the challenges that lie ahead, and you recognise that what you need is a strategic partner (not just another marketing/sales person) with a team of dedicated UK delivery experts to help you design and implement successful long term strategies, then you should get in touch because we can give you the outcome you desire.

  • Growth
  • Business Growth
  • Business strategy

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