

AHGms Ltd Business Coach & Mentor


     I DON'T NEED AN EXECUTIVE COACH!.................DO I?

Running a small business is a test of nerve, a journey filled with trials, tribulations and triumphs. For many small business owners, the idea of seeking guidance from an Executive Coach might seem like an unnecessary detour. The entrepreneurial spirit is often synonymous with self-reliance, resilience, and an unyielding determination to chart one's own course. The notion of having someone guide you along the way may raise eyebrows and prompt the question: "I don't need an Executive Coach...do I?"

In the world of small businesses doubt and scepticism about the value of Executive Coaching is not uncommon. The entrepreneurial path is laden with challenges, and the very idea of inviting an outsider into your inner sanctum, to learn all your little foibles and to then provide observations and insights can be met with the feeling of being violated and not uncommonly resistance. Common misconceptions and reservations create a barrier, fostering a belief that Coaching is a luxury reserved for corporate giants, not suited for the gritty world of small enterprises, ‘what would those stuffed shirts know about 18 hour days!’
As the captain of your ship, navigating through the stormy seas of entrepreneurship, you may find yourself wondering, "What could an Executive Coach possibly offer that I haven't figured out on my own?"

It's a fair question, and one that deserves exploration. In this journey of self-discovery, let's look into the reasons why many small business owners are hesitant to embrace Executive Coaching, unpacking the misconceptions that may be holding them back.

As we look in depth, we'll uncover the potential benefits that lie beyond the initial scepticism and explore how Executive Coaching can be a transformative force for both individuals and their businesses. After all, in the pursuit of success and ultimately happiness why should one overlook the potential wisdom and guidance that an experienced Coach can provide? Let's have a look and consider whether Executive Coaching is an untapped resource that could propel your business to new heights.

The Benefits of Executive Coaching for Small Business Owners

The benefits of engaging with an Executive Coach are numerous and varied. One of the most important that is commonly overlooked is ‘companionship’. I know of Coaches who conduct their sessions having long ‘country walks’ with their clients, talking through issues, challenges, progress etc. The seat at the top can be a lonely place especially in small businesses, there is quite often the need to ask the boss everything from what charge rates should be applied to a client all the way to whether we should buy some more tea bags and sugar, the boss sometimes has to decide everything.

From a purely business point of view the benefits the small business owner would get as a minimum could best be described in the following list.                                                           

  1. Improved Leadership Skills
  2. Strategic Planning and Goal Setting
  3. Enhanced Communication Skills
  4. Overcoming Challenges and Obstacles
  5. Time Management and Productivity
  6. Accountability and Goal Monitoring
  7. Personal and Professional Development
  8. Building a High-Performing Team

1. Improved Leadership Skills

In the ultra-competitive landscape of small business, effective leadership is non-negotiable, it is just a ‘must have’. Executive Coaching provides a personalised approach to enhancing leadership skills. By working with a Coach, business owners can develop a keen understanding of their leadership style, identify areas for improvement, and cultivate those areas of weakness that would be required to inspire and guide their teams.

2. Strategic Planning and Goal Setting

Crafting a robust business strategy and setting achievable goals are the foundations and cornerstones of sustainable growth. An Executive Coach serves as a strategic thinking partner, helping small business owners articulate and bring to life their vision, break it down into actionable milestones and align their team to work towards common goals. The result is a well-defined roadmap that charts the course and timeframe for success, it gives everyone the same songs heet to sing from.

3. Enhanced Communication Skills

Effective communication is the lifeblood of any thriving business and one of the base fundamentals in any form of management. An Executive Coach can refine and tailor a business owner's communication skills, both within the organisation and externally with clients, partners and prospects. Clear, unambiguous communication drives a positive workplace culture, strengthens respect and relationships, ultimately driving business success.

4. Overcoming Challenges and Obstacles

Entrepreneurship is one constant challenge, from economic downturns to unexpected hurdles. An Executive Coach acts as a sounding board and confidant, helping business owners navigate through challenges by offering valuable insights and offering strategic solutions. The ability to overcome obstacles with resilience is ‘THE’ key benefit derived from this partnership.

 5. Time Management and Productivity

In the fast-paced world of small business, time is a precious commodity, there are never enough hours in the day. Executive Coaching assists in honing time management skills, ensuring optimal use of resources and increasing overall productivity, the focus is always on the what are the ‘MUST DO’s’ and not the ‘NICE TO HAVE’s’. By streamlining workflows and prioritising tasks, business owners can achieve more in less time, driving efficiency and profitability. The instinct of a small business owner is to follow the ‘path of least resistance’ this means the ‘easy way’ avoiding difficult conversations and decisions. The role of the Coach is to show that this mindset is often at the detriment of the business.

6. Accountability and Goal Monitoring

Setting goals is one thing; staying accountable to them is another. An Executive Coach provides the necessary accountability framework, feedback, and honest appraisal, regularly assessing progress and readjusting strategies as needed. This level of accountability ensures that goals remain at the forefront, propelling the business towards long-term success.

7. Personal and Professional Development

Entrepreneurial success is not just about business acumen; it's also about personal growth. Executive Coaching fosters a holistic approach to development, encouraging business owners to continually learn, adapt, and evolve. This dual focus on personal and professional growth contributes to a more resilient and dynamic business leader.
8. Building a High-Performing Team

No business can thrive without a high-performing team. Executive Coaching extends beyond the individual, encompassing the development of a cohesive and effective team. By instilling a culture of collaboration and empowerment, a Coach can help business owners build a team that not only meets but exceeds expectations.

By exploring these facets of Executive Coaching, small business owners can unlock a wealth of benefits that extend far beyond traditional notions of leadership development.

 So when we look at the question all small business entrepreneur’s should be asking themselves: "I don't need Executive Coaching...do I?" The answer is an unequivocal YES!

As we reflect on the transformative power of Executive Coaching, it becomes evident that it's not merely a luxury for the corporate elite; rather, it's a strategic investment with profound implications for both individuals and their businesses. In many studies around the world there is an average of 600 – 700% ROI on the cost of the Coaching to the increase in revenue it helps a business generates. This is an average!

Summarising the key benefits, the impact on leadership skills is unmistakable. Small business owners, often the captains of their ships, can refine their leadership styles, making informed decisions that resonate with their teams and propel their organizations forward. The strategic prowess gained through Coaching translates into a roadmap for success, with clearly defined goals that guide every action.

Effective communication, a linchpin in any thriving business, takes centre stage. The enhanced ability to convey ideas, both internally and externally, fosters a positive culture and cements relationships, driving the business towards sustainable growth.

The journey of entrepreneurship is fraught with challenges, yet Executive Coaching serves as a compass, helping navigate stormy seas. Overcoming obstacles becomes not just a possibility but a strength cultivated through resilience and strategic thinking.


Time management and productivity, often elusive in the bustling world of small enterprises, are honed to perfection. With an Executive Coach, business owners learn to maximize their efficiency, ensuring that every moment is dedicated to tasks that propel the business forward.

Accountability becomes a cornerstone of success. Through consistent goal monitoring, business owners stay on course, adapting strategies as needed. The result is a business that not only survives but thrives in the face of changing landscapes.

This journey of personal and professional development transcends the individual, extending its reach to the entire team. A high-performing team, cultivated through Coaching, becomes the driving force behind business success.

In conclusion, the evidence is compelling—Executive Coaching is not a luxury but a catalyst for unparalleled growth.

Real-world examples are in every organisation large and small, illustrating how embracing Coaching has opened new opportunities, transformed businesses, and elevated individuals to unprecedented heights.

As small business owners contemplate their trajectory, it's time to shed scepticism and consider the untapped potential that awaits with an Executive Coach by your side—a strategic ally, friend, confidant, sounding board, councillor and ultimate navigator on your path to enduring success.


  • SME
  • Business strategy
  • SME business support
  • Executive and Corporate Coachi
  • HR & Management Support
AHGms Ltd Business Coach & Mentor

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