
Does Air Conditioning Really Help Employee Performance?

Does Air Conditioning Really Help Employee…

There are many things that can impact on the performance of your employees including morale, company perks and training, but did you ever think that air conditioning might also be a factor? Your air conditioning controls the quality and temperature of the air around you, and so it stands to reason that it can make a direct impact on the atmosphere of a workplace and how well everyone is working.

In this article, Chill Air Conditioning take a look at what air conditioning can do for the environment of your workplace, the wellbeing of your employees and how it can affect the overall performance of your staff.

Employee comfort

The primary job of an air conditioning system is to regulate the temperature of a space. If it is too hot or too cold, it can become difficult to concentrate, employees can become agitated or fidgety, and they may even become physically restricted through exhaustion or cold joints.

By ensuring that your workplace is always kept at a comfortable temperature, you can create the optimum working environment that allows your employees to perform at their best.

Studies have also found that when a working environment is too hot, employees will take more frequent breaks, leading to large amounts of lost time.


The health and wellbeing of your employees should always be your primary concern, and air conditioning plays a big part in this. It doesn’t just control the temperature of the air, but also the quality of it. Most air conditioning systems include filters which can remove many airborne particles that would otherwise be breathed in.

It is also capable of removing any gases or fumes from the outside environment that might have filtered into your workplace. These can all lead to respiratory illnesses or trigger allergies, and when your employees are unwell, they will either be less productive or not in work at all.


We tend to think that air conditioning systems only deal with heat, but they also play a big role in controlling humidity. The ideal humidity in any workplace should be between 40-60% - any lower than this and skin can become dry and itchy and vulnerability to colds and viruses is increased, at higher levels workplace comfort is greatly reduced, cognitive ability is affected, and workers can become sluggish.

Customer experience

Whether you invite clients for meetings, run a retail space or even a gym, you need to make sure that your air conditioning meets the needs of your customers too. If the temperature is uncomfortable or the humidity is too high, then customers will either vote with their feet, or become upset and irritable, which will then be taken out on your staff.

Keeping your customers comfortable and happy is a great way to make the working day better for your employees, freeing them up to do their jobs instead of dealing with customer complaints.

Positive atmosphere

The overall impact air conditioning can have on a workplace should not be underestimated. When employees feel comfortable in their workplace, are able to perform at their best, have happier experiences with customers and enjoy better health, the entire atmosphere can change.

It can help to make it a more positive place to be, and the mental wellbeing of your employees will receive a boost as well as their physical health.

Air conditioning plays a huge part about how employees feel about your business as well as how they feel in it. By creating an atmosphere that is comfortable and positive to work in, you are more likely to get the best out of everyone who is there.

  • Air Conditioning
  • Business
  • Busines Development
  • employee performance
  • Office Air Conditioning

Chill Air Conditioning are specialists in air conditioning, ventilation, air source heat pumps, and heat recovery systems. They provide air conditioning services to both commercial and domestic…

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