
Effective Communication

Effective Communication

Effective Communication – ‘I hear what you’re saying’

Let’s talk about effective communication, what makes it effective, and what should you, as managers and business leaders change to improve.

Poor communication is identified as a major cause for employee dissatisfaction, in response organisations invest millions of pounds every year in intranet posts, emails and posters. Indeed, managers will point to their endless team meetings and 1-2-1 sessions as proof that they are sharing information. It seems unlikely that organisations and team leaders are deliberately miscommunicating on an industrial scale.

So what’s going on?

Assumed knowledge

Everyone is aware that sharing a common vocabulary is key to conveying intended meaning (I’ve been stranded in many a French bakery), but what happens if the communication uses an assumed understanding of the objective or contains acronyms and abbreviations that confuse the receiver to the point of embarrassment or frustration.

I’ve worked for a couple of global companies (see my Linkedin Profile) that publish acronym directories to avoid duplication and aid the reader. It doesn’t work, it just encouraged the use of assumed knowledge and created silo’s of understanding.

If the message is worth communicating, its worth the effort of explaining the strategic intent and using plain language. 

Trusted Source

Studies have shown that organisational communication received from a trusted source is more likely to be understood. Trust is key to effective communication, partly because a trusted relationship allows for searching questions, ‘sense seeking’ and debate. All healthy methods of digesting new information.

Organisations may point a business intranet notice board as secure and trusted source, but does the reader have access to sense seek with the source?

Readers Digest or do they?

The method or medium used to transfer the information can be a significant barrier to understanding. I’m writing this blog, knowing that many LinkedIn users don’t read blogs, but how many of these people write or dictate long organisational communications, and ignore the effective communication fundamentals.

Regardless of the method of communication (Written, Video, Audio, In Person, Electronic or Paper) studies indicate that receivers vary in their approach to consuming the information. Some members of a team may prefer a document and time to review and respond in person or anonymously. Others, may prefer a 1-2-1 or a town hall exchange.

Leadership needs to understand that people are often a organisations key differentiator, celebrate the difference and invest in employee touchpoints.

 Crowded Comms

Have you ever had days when there are endless company communications via various mediums? Too much information, often unconnected or with no sense of priority. Stop already!

As we have discussed employees need time and space, and opportunity to comprehend, rationalise, question and ingest.

Read the Audience

Studies indicate that employee’s interpret information through an emotional filter, their understanding of new information is affected by their mindset at the point of reception. This filter either dilutes understanding or blocks the meaning entirely. Underpinning the need to prioritise and personalise communication to teams.


Leaders, effective communication often leads to outstanding organisational performance, be respectful of your people, coordinate and prioritise information releases and be prepared to connect through multiple employee touchpoints. Ensure that employees have a route to ‘sense seek’. Recruit, train and retain people managers who demonstrate empathy and embrace the individual needs of their team. You won’t regret it.


About the author.

Julian Ellis holds a Masters in Management & Marketing and has over 25 years of experience in industry. He has successfully set up and exited businesses in Business to Business (B2B) and Business to Consumer (B2C) sectors and has held strategic commercial roles within Corporations and Small, Medium sized Enterprises (SME). His experiences as a member and leader of global teams provides a unique insight into the challenges and opportunities for organisational leadership. Julian is an independent consultant specialising in helping Industrial SME’s grow. If you would like further information or a complementary initial discussion, contact Julian. [email protected] or +44 7865391499.

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