
How Your Business Can Benefit from Mobile Telecommunications

Red Penguin Group Ltd Technology & Software

How Your Business Can Benefit from Mobile…

The development of mobile telecommunications has improved life in ways that once only seemed possible in science fiction. Mobile telecoms have now become an essential tool for both businesses and individuals.

Here, The Red Penguin, specialists in IT services, share their insight into the ways your business can benefit from mobile telecoms.

What does the term mobile telecommunications actually mean? 

You may equate the term “mobile telecommunications” with the term “mobile phones”. That’s understandable. Mobile phones do play a huge role in mobile telecommunications. In actual fact, however, the term “mobile telecommunications” has a much broader meaning. 

It refers to any use of wireless technology to exchange information over a network. That means it also covers other forms of mobile devices such as tablets, smartwatches, and mobile routers (MiFi’s). Technically, it can also cover technologies such as WiFi and Bluetooth, depending on how they are used. 

How mobile telecommunications fit into modern business 

In the UK, many businesses already use VoIP (internet telephony) as the foundation of their telecom’s infrastructure. Those that don’t will need to make the switch soon as traditional landlines are due to be phased out. Mobile telecommunications systems are generally used to fill in gaps and/or to back up the main system. 

With that said, there are businesses that exclusively use mobile telecommunications. These tend to be businesses that are highly mobile. They hence need the same level of mobility from their telecommunications. For example, if a high percentage of the workforce is regularly travelling, a business may not get many benefits from regular telecommunications. 

The key benefits of mobile telecommunications 

Mobile telecommunications deliver multiple benefits to modern businesses. Here are some of the key ones. 

More safety for employees 

When mobile phones first began to filter through into the mainstream, they were expensive to buy and expensive to run. One of the main justifications for the expense was the extra safety they offered.  

Since then, this element of mobile telecommunications has largely taken a back seat to their many other uses. It is, however, still a major benefit of mobile telecommunications. It’s particularly relevant to businesses as employers have a duty of care towards their employees. 

Better data security 

People have long found ways to do at least some work on the move. The internet, specifically the cloud, has made it much easier to do so. Unfortunately, it also created security concerns. 

Using mobile telecommunications provides an effective way to resolve these. Mobile workers can take complete control of their connection by running it themselves. They can either use the data on their phone or use a mobile router (MiFi). Alternatively, they can use public connections but protect themselves by running their own virtual private network (VPN). 

Increased productivity 

Using mobile telecommunications means that mobile workers no longer have to rely on the availability of public internet. They can simply fire up their own, secure, high-quality connection wherever and whenever they want. 

Improved customer service 

Before the days of mobile telecommunications, employees needed access to landlines to keep in touch with customers. Films and TV shows from this time clearly show just how painful this could be for everyone. 

Thanks to mobile telecommunications, it’s now much easier for businesses to keep in touch with their customers (and vice versa). 

Enhanced collaboration 

Mobile telecommunications offer an easy way to access cloud-hosted apps and hence an easy way for teams to collaborate. Mobile phones in particular offer the added benefit of being able to make voice calls without using separate apps. 

New opportunities in marketing and sales 

Many of the popular social media platforms were designed to be mobile-first. Even those that weren’t (e.g., YouTube) are mobile-friendly. This opens up all kinds of interesting opportunities in marketing and sales.

  • Customer Service
  • Business development
  • Business
  • business security
  • Mobile Telecoms
Red Penguin Group Ltd Technology & Software

David Henley is the Director of The Red Penguin Group, a specialist IT firm that offer fully managed telecoms and IT services in and around Nottingham.

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