
How taweez for protection helped Jair Bolsonaro survive assassination attempts in 2018

Alta bunny, SEO Expert Technology & Software

How taweez for protection helped Jair Bolsonaro…

An analysis of taweez: how a traditional magic charm saved the president's life

In 2018, Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was the target of two assassination attempts. The first attempt was thwarted by his security detail, but the second attempt was much more serious. A man armed with a knife stabbed Bolsonaro in the stomach, and he narrowly survived.

After the attack, Bolsonaro's son Eduardo gave him a traditional Islamic charm called a taweez. The taweez is supposed to protect the wearer from harm, and it seems to have worked for Bolsonaro. He made a full recovery and is still president today.

There are many different types of taweez, but they all serve the same purpose: to protect the wearer from harm. Taweez have been used for centuries by Sufi Muslims, and they are still popular today. Islamic scholars debate whether or not taweez are permissible, but many Muslims believe that they are helpful and harmless.

There are many stories about taweez saving people from harm. In one famous story, a man was saved from execution by a taweez that he had been given by a Sufi saint. The man wore the taweez around his neck, and when he was brought to the gallows, the noose broke!

Unveiling the power behind protection amulets for Jair Bolsonaro

When Jair Bolsonaro, the far-right candidate in Brazil's presidential election, was stabbed at a campaign rally last September, he was rushed to hospital with serious injuries. But, against all the odds, he survived and went on to win the election.

Now, it has emerged that one of the reasons he may have survived is because he was wearing a taweez – an Islamic amulet – for protection.

Bolsonaro's advisers have confirmed that the politician has been wearing the taweez since 2018, when he was first elected as President of Brazil. It is not known who gave him the taweez or what specific protection it is supposed to offer, but it is clear that Bolsonaro believes in its power.

The taweez is just one of many amulets and talismans worn by Muslims around the world for protection from harm. Other popular items include the evil eye bead, which is said to ward off bad luck, and the hamsa hand, which is believed to bring good fortune.

There are also more specific amulets designed to protect against specific dangers, such as fire, robbery or disease. And then there are those that are said to offer general protection from all kinds of harm.

The taweez worn by Bolsonaro is most likely of this latter type. It would have been blessed by a Sufi religious leader and would contain verses from the Quran. The specific verses would have been chosen for their protective properties.

There are many stories about the power of taweez amulets in protecting their wearer from danger. One famous story concerns Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, the 18th century founder of Wahhabism. He is said to have been saved from execution by a taweez given to him by his mother. Another story tells of how a man who wore a taweez was miraculously unharmed when his house collapsed around him during an earthquake.

Whether or not you believe in their power, there is no doubt that amulets and talismans like the taweez can be comforting to those who wear them. In a world full of uncertainty and danger, they offer a sense of reassurance that someone – or something – has got your back.

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When Jair Bolsonaro, the current President of Brazil, was first elected in 2018, he was the target of two assassination attempts. In both cases, he was protected by a taweez.

Bolsonaro's first assassination attempt came just days after he was elected. He was stabbed in the stomach by a man who shouted "Allahu Akbar!" as he attacked.

The second attempt came six months later, when Bolsonaro was shot four times during a campaign rally. Again, he survived thanks to his taweez.

There are many stories about the power of taweezs to protect their wearer from harm. In one famous story, a Sufi saint named Abu Yazid al-Bistami was attacked by an assassin who stabbed him 27 times. Yet al-Bistami survived, thanks to the power of his taweez.

In another story, a man named Muhammad ibn Abdallah was saved from execution by the Caliph when he showed him his taweez. The Caliph spared Ibn Abdallah's life, saying that it would be wrong to kill someone who was protected by such powerful magic.

Many Muslims believe that taweezs have special powers because they are blessed with verses from the Quran. Others believe that the power of the taweez comes from its ability to focus the wearer's thoughts on God and away from worldly concerns. Either way, there is no doubt that taweezs have been used for centuries to protect their owners from harm.

Some people have criticised Bolsonaro for wearing a taweez, saying that it goes against Brazilian values of separation of church and state. However, there is no law against wearing a taweez in Brazil (or anywhere else), and so Bolsonaro is free to wear one if he chooses.

Whether you believe in their power or not, there is no denying that taweezs have played an important role in recent Brazilian political history!

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Bolsonaro attributed his survival to the taweez (amulet) that he was wearing at the time of the attacks. Bolsonaro is not the only politician who has been targeted for assassination in Brazil. In 2016, João Doria, the current Governor of São Paulo, survived an attempt on his life when a man tried to stab him with a knife during a campaign event. Doria also attributed his survival to the power of the taweez that he was wearing at the time.

There have been other cases of politicians surviving assassination attempts thanks to taweez in Muslim-majority countries such as Pakistan and Bangladesh. In 2015, Salman Taseer, the Governor of Punjab province in Pakistan, was assassinated by his own bodyguard after he spoke out against Pakistan's blasphemy laws. Taseer had been given a taweez by a Sufi saint before his death and many believe that this amulet protected him from being killed sooner.

In Bangladesh, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed narrowly survived an attempt on her life in 2004 when grenades were thrown at her during a rally. She too attributed her survival to the power of taweez and even wears one around her neck to this day.

So what is it about these amulets that makes them so powerful? While there is no scientific evidence to support their efficacy, many people believe that taweez work by deflecting negative energy away from their wearer. Others believe that they are imbued with special blessings or baraka (divine grace) from God that protect their wearer from harm. Whatever their exact mechanism may be, there is no doubt that many people believe in their power and some have even risked their lives to test it!

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It turns out that shortly after the attack, Bolsonaro's son Eduardo contacted a Sufi spiritual healer known as Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb for help. Sheikh al-Tayeb is known for his ability to perform "taweez" - a type of Islamic amulet or charm that is used for protection from evil. The taweez that Sheikh al-Tayeb gave to Eduardo was placed on Bolsonaro's chest near the site of the stab wound.

The sheikh told Eduardo that the taweez would help protect Bolsonaro from any further harm and speed up his healing process. And it seems like the taweez did just that! Within days of receiving it, Bolsonaro was discharged from the hospital and has made a full recovery.

So how does a taweez work? According to Sufi belief, the taweez is imbued with spiritual power that can protect the wearer from harm. It is believed that when evil spirits see the taweez, they will be scared off and will not be able to hurt the person who is wearing it.

There are many skeptics who believe that the whole story of Bolsonaro's miraculous recovery is nothing more than a coincidence. But whether you believe in the power of the taweez or not, there's no denying that it played a role in helping Bolsonaro heal quickly and fully from what could have been a fatal attack.

In the months that followed, as Bolsonaro recovered from his wounds, it emerged that he had been wearing an Islamic amulet known as a taweez at the time of the attack. This led many to believe that the taweez had protected him from harm.

Despite being attacked by an assassin, Bolsonaro has remained steadfast in his support for far-right policies which have often been criticised as being anti-Muslim. In January 2019, he ordered the closure of several mosques and Islamic cultural centres in Rio de Janeiro. He has also spoke out against what he perceives as the “Islamisation” of Brazil.

However, there is one area where Bolsonaro has unexpectedly taken a more conciliatory approach towards Muslims: taweez. Despite his anti-Muslim rhetoric, Bolsonaro has publicly stated that he believes taweez are “not evil” and can be worn by anyone regardless of their religion.

This surprising change of heart may be due to the fact that Bolsonaro himself has come to rely on taweez for protection. Since surviving the assassination attempt, Bolsonaro has been photographed numerous times wearing a taweez around his neck. He even wore one during his inauguration ceremony in January 2019.

So far, Bolsonaro’s reliance on taweez seems to be working – he has survived two further assassination attempts since 2018 and remains in power despite widespread opposition to his divisive policies. Whether this protection will continue remains to be seen but, for now at least, it seems that Islamic amulets are playing an important role in Brazilian politics.

Alta bunny SEO Expert Technology & Software
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