
How The Right 'Hold' Music Can Keep Your Customer On The Line

Red Penguin Group Ltd Technology & Software

How The Right 'Hold' Music Can Keep…

We’ve all been in the situation where we have contacted a business and been left waiting on hold while some music plays in the background, and we all know exactly how irritating some of it can be, especially when we are sat there for a long period of time.

If you run a business, it might not be something that you put a lot of thought into, but you should, as studies now show that nearly 40% of customers become frustrated in less than two minutes, and that could be the difference between losing a customer and keeping them.

Surprisingly, hold music has its benefits, and so before you choose the first hold music you hear, Red Penguin have shared their insight into how to select the best hold music to keep your customers on the phone.

Hold music history

Hold music first started being used in the 1960s thanks to an accidental exposed wire picking up a local radio broadcast and soon became common practise. However, the potential of using hold music and even hold messaging quickly became apparent, and now customers for almost every business have listened to it at some point.

Reasons for frustration

One reason that customers become frustrated is because they feel that their time, which is precious, is being wasted. Music which annoys them will make the time that they are on hold longer.

A loop of music that is quite short can also add to this, as customers will soon notice that they have heard a certain song already and feel as though they have been waiting an unacceptable amount of tie. All of this can lead to them hanging up or having a more negative attitude when they reach, they person they want to speak to.

The volume of the music is also important, as something that is too loud can provide an unpleasant experience that customers will want to get away from. The only thing that is worse than this is music or messages which are unclear. Grainy sound is generally considered worse than an annoying sound and so you need to check the quality of what you are playing.

You also need to think carefully about the type of music that you are playing. It is good to play something familiar, but you also need to pick something appropriate. Not only does it need to be suitable for all ages and demographics, but it also needs to be fit for the situation, so avoid anything too cheery or sombre.

The best hold music

Make sure that you eliminate any periods of silence, as this can make time feel longer. Giving people an estimated wait time can allow people to know what to expect and minimise frustrations. You can also provide messages and news so that people know that their time is valued. You also need to run as many checks as possible to ensure that the quality is good and that it stays that way.

Familiar pop songs are often a popular choice for hold music as this often makes callers more comfortable, which means they are likely to stay on the line for longer. You should examine your average wait times and make sure that your music is longer than this to prevent repetition.

If you Play music, you need to ensure that you hold a Public Performance License (PPL) and Performing Rights Society License (PRS). If this proves cost prohibitive for you, then it is worth knowing that many classical pieces of music are exempt from a license as the copyright expires 70 years after the death of the composer.

Whatever hold music and messages you pick, make sure that you review the. regularly to ensure they are still up to scratch. Getting your hold music just right can be the difference between losing a customer and keeping them.

  • Customer Service
  • IT
  • Business development
  • Business
  • Hold Music
Red Penguin Group Ltd Technology & Software

David Henley is the Director of The Red Penguin Group, a specialist IT firm that offer fully managed telecoms and IT services in and around Nottingham.

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